
Innovative teaching in continuing education
Innovedum can help you with the development of your continuing education programme. This teaching innovation fund supports projects which qualitatively and sustainably further ETH Zurich teaching. A portion of its means is set aside for continuing education.
This Rector’s fund is intended for the use of ETH Zurich members who have a teaching contract and are employed at least 50 %, and for persons responsible for ETH Zurich degree programmes. Since 2004 Innovedum has supported more than 280 projects. For an overview please see the Innovedum project database.
Support for your project
Do you have an idea or even concrete plans for an Innovedum project? Contact the Educational Developer in your department, at SCE or the of the Department of Learning and Teaching (formerly the Department of Teaching Development and Technology LET).
For further information on the Innovedum fund see the ETH Zurich website.
Innovedum project types
You may submit focal point projects, teaching projects, MOOCs and degree programme initiatives.
Focal point projects are projects which address strategically important topics. They implement solutions in the respective area as examples and investigate their feasibility and utility for ETH Zurich.
- Processing time from date of submission: 1 month
- Maximum subsidy amount: CHF 60,000
Example: You want to develop a new type of online learning module for your short course.
You can apply in the teaching project category if your project does not address a focal point topic or the funding needed exceeds the maximum for focal point projects. In a teaching project you pilot solutions to course-related issues, evaluate these or implement qualification measures.
- Processing time from date of submission: 3 months
Example: You want to create an interactive digital script for your existing continuing education programme and need to employ personnel for this.
Degree programme initiatives are longer-term innovative projects which involve restructuring degree programmes. These are paused until the end of 2027 due to PAKETH.
- Processing time from date of submission: 1 to 3 months
Example: You want to completely revamp the content and didactic approach of your MAS programme to accommodate the needs of your students.
Current and recent projects
- CAS ETH in Geoinformationssysteme und -analysen: Project-based learning (2022 to 2024)
- CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials – Essentials: MOOC (2020 to 2023)
- MAS ETH Mediation in Peace Processes: ACCP Framework (2019/2020)
- MAS ETH in Housing: UN-Habilitat ETH Housing Studios (2017 to 2020)