MAS ETH in Mediation in Peace Processes
This description is only available in English.

November 2025
Start -
2 years
ETH Zurich
Location -
Tuition language -
Application period -
CHF 55,000
Programme fee
In brief: The MAS ETH in Mediation in Peace Processes
A globally unique programme aimed at preparing the next generation of peace mediators. Bringing together renowned scholars and mediators, it is both academic and practitioner oriented.
Structure and content
Programme description
The MAS ETH in Mediation in Peace Processes (MAS ETH MPP) aims to prepare the next generation of mediators to solve violent political conflicts. Multi-disciplinary in character, it combines a strong academic foundation with an explicit practitioner orientation. The curriculum draws on the logic of mediation that conflict parties decide together on the content of a peace agreement, and the mediator assists them by shaping the process.
Professional perspectives
Structure and format
Additional information
Tuition language(s)
Target group and admission
Target group
Mediators who work in formal track one and track one-and-a-half mediation teams led by a chief mediator; in conflict contexts where there is no formal mediator; in mediation support units; or in research and policy organisations seeking to link mediation practice and research.
Required language skills
English: C1 – external page Show proficiency scales
Language(s) of performance assessment
Dates and venue
November 2025 (every second year)
2 years, part-time; 1,800 hours
Application period
01–30.06.2025 (admission after the application deadline)
Programme fee
CHF 55,000 for the entire programme
(ca. CHF 16,000 should be calculated for food and accommodation for the face-to-face modules for those who do not live in Zurich)
Application fee
CHF 50 for persons with a Swiss university degree, CHF 150 for persons with another university degree (non-refundable, credit card payment only)
Withdrawal fee
30 days or more after admission: CHF 10,000
Questions about the application
ETH Zurich, School for Continuing Education, HG E 17–18.5, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Tel. external page +41 44 632 56 59, E-mail
Application documents
- Diploma certificate and transcript (of records) of the highest or most relevant degree
- Passport or identity card
- Download Declaration of consent (PDF, 94 KB)
Additional application documents
Besides your letter of motivation and CV, please provide any additional documents related to your work experience of mediation in peace processes and career perspectives in this field (e.g. recommendation letters, institutional career pathways), if these are available. Please also clarify if you are being sent by an organization (e.g. MFA) and indicate how you plan to be mentored (e.g. by the foreign ministry sending you, the UN, a regional organization, NGO, or another entity with mediation expertise) in your mediation work during and after the programme.
Programme management
ETH Zurich
Responsible body
ETH Zurich, Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-GESS), Center for Security Studies (CSS)