This description is only available in English.

  • Autumn Semester

  • 1 year

  • Lausanne, Zurich

  • English
    Tuition language
  • 01.01–​31.03.2025

    Application period

  • CHF 15,500

    Programme fee

In brief: The MAS ETH EPFL in Urban and Territorial Design

The MAS offers innovative urban and territorial design education at ETH Zurich and EPFL addressing sustainability challenges within cities and across wider landscapes and territories.

Structure and content

Programme description

The MAS ETH EPFL in Urban and Territorial Design (MAS ETH EPFL UTD) embraces the ecological and socio-​economic transition as a field of critical and imaginative investigation. Engaging with notions of transformation, reuse, regeneration, reparation, and transition of habitats and ecologies, students will deploy the urban and territorial project as the crucial field of knowledge production across scales. Design is explored as a tool for synthesis in an expanded environment of transdisciplinary exchange.


The programme's aim is to raise participant's awareness and capacity to deal with radical scenarios of social and environmental change under planetary urbanisation. The MAS will serve as a laboratory and a forum where participants develop design skills for shaping resilient urban territories and propose concrete agendas, design strategies and governance models. Both Swiss and international case studies will be investigated with intensive, ethnographic explorations and in situ workshops.

Professional perspectives

Integrated research and design training develops participants conceptual, analytical and communication skills. Participants are prepared for interdisciplinary, site-​specific work at all urban-​territorial scales and engagement with communities, local actors, NGOs and governance bodies. This responds to professional perspectives offered by design offices and public authorities, but also to international career opportunities in academic work or within institutions such as UN Habitat.

Structure and format

The programme entails two analogously structured semesters at EPFL and ETH Zurich, articulated around a Core Design and Research Studio integrating fieldwork and representation disciplines. Interdisciplinary Courses will underpin the studio work, together with a set of Urban Theory Sessions.

Additional information

A continuation of the highly successful MAS in Urban Design directed by Professor Marc Angélil, which addressed urban design in a globalised world, the new MAS is embedded within the broader context of ETH's LUS Institute, the FCL Global project New Urban Agendas and EPFL's Habitat Research Center. It initiates a hallmark collaboration between ETH Zurich and EPFL assuring an outstanding environment of expertise and teaching resources. The curriculum brings together urban studies, postcolonial thought and the Anthropocene, and offers a deeper understanding of cultural and ecological dimensions of territories, urban and landscape ecology, sustainable construction, and low carbon mobility.

Tuition language(s)



60 ECTS credits

Target group and admission

Target group

The programme is addressed to national and international architects and other professionals in the spheres of both built and unbuilt environments with prior master’s degrees who intend to strengthen their research and design competences in Swiss/European as well as international contexts.


Master's degree acknowledged by ETH or equivalent educational qualifications in architecture, urbanism/planning, landscape architecture, architecture-​engineering, civil and environmental engineering, or city management.

Required language skills

Language(s) of performance assessment


Dates and venue


Every Autumn Semester


1 year full-​time; 900 hours of contact

Application period

01.01–​31.03.2025 (rolling admission)


EPFL (Autumn Semester) and ETH Zurich (Spring Semester)


Programme fee

CHF 15,500

A deposit of CHF 1,500 will be charged and is due within 30 days after admission. Non-payment leads to loss of study place.

Application fee

CHF 50 for persons with a Swiss university degree, CHF 150 for persons with another university degree (non-​refundable, credit card payment only)

Withdrawal fee

  • Within 30 days after the admission date: free of charge 
  • More than 30 days after the admission date: CHF 5,000
  • After the start of the semester: CHF 7,750


Questions about the application

ETH Zurich, School for Continuing Education, HG E 1718.5, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Tel. external page +41 44 632 56 59, E-mail

Application documents

Additional application documents

  • portfolio
  • CV
  • letter of motivation
  • reference letters and published essays or papers are optional


Programme management

Professor Milica Topalović
ETH Zurich D-​ARCH, LUS, Architecture of Territory
Professor Milica Topalović
Professor Paola Viganò
Professor Paola Viganò


Nancy Couling
MAS UTD Programme Coordinator

ETH Zurich
Professorship Milica Topalović, Architecture of Territory
Neunbrunnenstrasse 50
8093 Zurich

Responsible body

  • ETH Zurich D-​ARCH, Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS), Architecture of Territory
  • EPFL ENAC, Habitat Research Center (HRC), Laboratory of Urbanism (LAB-​U)
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