CAS ETH in Nutrition for Disease Prevention and Health

This description is only available in English.

  • Spring and Autumn Semester
  • 2 semesters

  • ETH Zurich
  • English
    Tuition language
  • 01.04–30.06.2025

    Application period

  • CHF 5,800

    Programme fee

In brief: The CAS ETH in Nutrition for Disease Prevention and Health

Continuing education in nutrition for disease prevention and health.

Structure and content

Programme description

This course offers an advanced education that gives a broad overview on nutritional topics, the influence of nutrition on health, and its potential for prevention of diseases.


CAS ETH Nutrition graduates are trained to distinguish and understand problems of nutrition while continuing to work in their field of expertise. This includes food industry, pharmacies, medicine, nutrition teaching and nutrition research.

Professional perspectives

Graduates will understand nutrition and its potential for disease prevention and will be able to apply this knowledge in their field of expertise. This can be food industry, pharmacies, medical practice, governmental or non-governmental organisations etc.

Tuition language(s)



10 ECTS credits

Target group and admission

Target group

Pharmacists, medical doctors, movement scientists and other natural scientists.


Master's degree in natural sciences acknowledged by ETH or equivalent qualification.

Required language skills

Dates and venue


Spring and Autumn Semester


2 semesters, part-time (1/2–1 day per week); approx. 300 hours including lectures, preparation time and exams

Application period

01.04–30.06.2025 for Autumn Semester 2025 (rolling admission)
01.09–30.11.2025 for Spring Semester 2026 (rolling admission)


ETH Zurich


Programme fee

CHF 5,800

Application fee

CHF 50 for persons with a Swiss university degree, CHF 150 for persons with another university degree (non-​refundable, credit card payment only)

Withdrawal fee

  • Within 30 days after the admission date: free of charge
  • More than 30 days after the admission date: CHF 2,900
  • After the start of the semester: 5,800


Questions about the application

ETH Zurich, School for Continuing Education, HG E 17–​18.5, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Tel. external page +41 44 632 56 59, E-mail

Application documents

Additional application documents

  • Motivation letter
  • CV


Programme management

Professor Ferdinand von Meyenn
Programme Director
Professor Ferdinand von Meyenn
Dr Isabelle Herter-​Aeberli
Programme Manager
Dr Isabelle Herter-​Aeberli


Dr Isabelle Herter-Aeberli
  • +41 44 632 74 81

ETH Zurich
Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health, Human Nutrition Laboratory
Schmelzbergstrasse 7
8092 Zurich

Responsible body

ETH Zurich, Department of Health Sciences and Technology (D-HEST)
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