Open Days MAS ETH in Architecture and Digital Fabrication DFAB
Define the future of digital fabrication in architecture and transform the challenges ahead into opportunities and innovations. Online Open Days December 13, 2021 and January 13, 2022.
Five questions for Alessio Colombo (participant Open Guest Lectures 2021 CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials)

"Inspired by the best": we are taking a closer look at what we claim to be. What are the sources of inspiration in continuing education? Alessio Colombo, co-founder of Ricehouse and participant in the Open Guest Lectures 2021 from the CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials, tells us what inspires him.
Info sessions MAS ETH in Development and Cooperation

Learn more about our MAS ETH in Development and Cooperation programme, starting in September 2022 and join the NADEL team at one of the info sessions: 15.11.2021 (online, 18:00 CET), 23.11.2021 (ETH NADEL, 17:00 CET).
Five questions for Ingrid Senn and Helene Hofmann (CAS ETH in Naturgefahren-Risikomanagement)

"Inspired by the best": we are taking a closer look at what we claim to be. What are the sources of inspiration in continuing education, and where are they found? Helene Hofmann and Ingrid Senn are graduates of the CAS ETH in Naturgefahren-Risikomanagement and are inspired in many ways.
Application window CAS ETH in Digital Health open until November 30, 2021!

Gain knowledge and skills in Digital Health research, business models, and applications for the prevention and management of non-communicable & mental illnesses.