This description is only available in English.

  • Autumn Semester 2025

  • 11 month

  • ETH Zurich
  • English
    Tuition language
  • 01-30.04.2025

    Application period 

  • CHF 29,960

    Programme fee

In brief: The MAS ETH in Computational Structural Design

Integrating architecture and engineering, this programme equips participants with advanced computational skills to lead innovation and sustainability efforts in the AEC industry.

Structure and content

Programme description

The MAS ETH in Computational Structural Design (MAS ETH CSD) is a full-time programme that integrates architecture and engineering, and equips participants with advanced computational skills to lead innovation and sustainability efforts in the AEC industry. It is a hands-on programme, with industryled case studies.


  • Gain foundational computational knowledge, solidify understanding of structural geometry, con-duct advanced engineering analysis, and acquire methods for implementing innovation. 
  • Work with BRG case-studies to apply newly acquired knowledge and develop future design methodologies.
  • Synthesise learning working on industry challenges, testing design skills against the expertise of estab-lished engineering practices.

Professional perspectives

In architecture and in structural engineering firms, graduates gain access to opportunities within offices with strong focus on computational design, leveraging digital tools, and those exploring new technologies to arrive at more sustainable solutions. Graduates can also consider an entrepreneurial route, launching their own startup. Alternatively, graduates can seek opportunities within academia and/or research, with focus on de-velopment and application of new technologies in the AEC industry.

Structure and format

The 11-month full-time programme is structured into three phases: 1) skill building in the four core topics of computation, structural geometry, advanced engineering analysis, and implementing innovation 2) applying knowledge to BRG case-studies to develop integrated workflows 3) thesis addressing an industry/practice-relevant challenge.

Additional information

This programme is offered by the Chair of Architecture and Structures / Block Research Group (BRG) and is based at the Institute of Technology in Architecture (ITA). By the end of this MAS, participants will have gained computational literacy, strategies for efficient and/or sustainable, circular structural design, advanced engineering toolset, expertise in integrated design & engineering, access to a network of experts (BRG, COMPAS, VAULTED, ITA), and have developed a unique profile at interface of architecture, engineering and computation.

Programme participants should come with some knowledge of programming (python in particular), or they should be prepared to accelerate their programming skills quickly at the start of the programme.

Tuition language(s)



60 ECTS credits

Target group and admission

Target group

This MAS is tailored for practitioners with background in architectural engineering, structural engineering, building technology, computational architecture, or similar, and for researchers interested in areas of computation, technology and engineering in architecture and computational structural design. We expect participants to be interested in innovation, technology, computation, programming/scripting, geometry, fabrication, efficiency, sustainability, circularity.


Master's degree acknowledged by ETH or equivalent educational qualifications. Experience in computational design and/or programming skills (in particular python), which can be seen in the portfolio submitted as part of the application package.

Required language skills

Language(s) of performance assessment


Dates and venue


Autumn Semester 2025


11 month

Application period



ETH Zurich


Programme fee

CHF 29,960

Application fee

CHF 50 for persons with a Swiss university degree, CHF 150 for persons with another university degree (non-​refundable, credit card payment only)

Withdrawal fee

  • Within 30 days after the admission date: free of charge
  • More than 30 days after the admission date: CHF 14,250
  • After the start of the programme: CHF 28,500


Questions about the application

ETH Zurich, School for Continuing Education, HG E 1718.5, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Tel. external page +41 44 632 56 59, E-mail

Application documents

Additional application documents

  • A motivation letter
  • CV
  • Portfolio/work examples
  • 3 reference letters
  • Proof of programming skills (certificates) if available


Programme management

Professor Philippe Block
Programme Co-Director
Professor Philippe Block
Kathrin Haake
Programme Coordinator
Portrait of Kathrin Haake
Dr Tom Van Mele
Programme Co-Director
Professor Matthias Kohler
Institute of Technology in Architecture, Chair for Architecture and Structures / Block Research Group (BRG)
  • +41 44 633 28 33

ETH Zurich
Stefano-​Franscini-Platz 1
HIB E 14
8093 Zurich

Responsible body

ETH Zurich, D-ARCH, Institute of Technology in Architecture, Chair for Architecture and Structure / Block Research Group (BRG)

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