Facts and Figures

Number of programmes

Student numbers

Development of continuing education students from 2014 to 2023 (from 388 to 1074 students)

Number of degrees

In the last two years an average of 647 students per year have completed their programmes.

Gender distribution ETH continuing education HS23 (41% women, 59% men)

Gender balance

462 women (43 %) , 614 men (57 %)

(Numbers: Spring Semester 2024)

Age distribution

  • light blue: <25 years, 1 %
  • Turquoise: 24–34 years, 46 %
  • Dark dotted: 35–44 years, 36 %
  • Lighter blue: 45–54 years, 14.5 %
  • Light dotted: 55–64 years, 2 %
  • White: >65 years, 0.5 %

(Numbers: Spring Semester 2024)

Age distribution ETH continuing education: <25 years 1%, 25-34 years 46%, 35-44 years 38%, 45-54 years 13%, 55-65 years 2%


In the Spring Semester 2024, the School for Continuing Education had students from 83 countries.

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