Mastering climate change: Inspiration and Leadership in the CAS ETH in Climate Innovation
The programme manager of the CAS ETH in Climate Innovation, Dr Carole B. Rapo, gives an insight into her motivation to use the continuing education programme to promote the networking of like-minded people so that they can initiate and lead transformative changes in their professional environment - the leaders of tomorrow in climate protection.
Interview with Dr Carole B. Rapo, Programme Manager of the CAS ETH in Climate Innovation
School for Continuing Education: What drives you in your work?
Carole B. Rapo: Many things. Mostly that I am lucky enough to work with amazing individuals (academics, practi-tioners) who are so passionate about the topic of polycrisis and how to tackle them. This network of likeminded people is pushing me to be more ambitious, creative, change my perspective and go beyond my own limits. Mentoring & sharing experiences with the next generation of leaders who will tackle wicked problems like climate change is extremely rewarding as well.
Who, or what, inspires you?
So many people have inspired me, and many not known. Lately impact assessment of transdisciplinary educational programme is my inspiration. How & why such trainings as the CAS ETH in Climate Innovation are fulfilling their goal of equipping leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead the transition towards net zero in their context is fascinating to me.

Dr Carole B. Rapo current role is head, creator, orchestrator and main lecturer of the CAS ETH in Climate Innovation. She has 12 years of experience in leading, lecturing, designing and developing interactive curricula for a wide range of audiences (Children, Youth, BSc, MSc, Young Profes-sionals & Adults) on the topics of Climate Change or Plant Sciences. During they journey, Carole has also gained insights in the Arts of Science Communication, Lifelong Learning and Hosting transformational learning experiences for the participants. Carole holds a PhD in Entomology from the University of Idaho, US and a MSc of Science from the University of Fribourg.
Who is the CAS ETH in Climate Innovation aimed at, and what is its value in one sentence?
The Climate Innovation programme is aimed at professionals who cares about the climate crisis, who would like to enter a network of likeminded individuals and who would like to take immediate action towards leading the change in their own context (professional environment).
How do you believe the skills and knowledge acquired in the CAS ETH in Climate Innovation will help participants initiate and lead transformative changes in their professional environment?
We are using a methodology (integrated systems & design thinking approach), which has been honed for many years at ETH Zurich and deployed and many other educational formats. I am deeply convinced about the transformational learning that the participants (if ready) are experiencing. Ultimately, I only believe that the participants feel equipped to lead transformative changes in their context because they told me that it was the case for them.
How do you see the role of CAS graduates as future climate leaders in promoting societal changes towards net-zero emissions, and how can they concretely implement such changes?
The role and how they implement will be a unique experience to each of them. Most individuals who are participating to the CAS are in transition in their career paths. We are guiding them to make the meaningful choice for them. There are mainly two types of participants, the one who use the tools & methodologies in their own context and the ones who are radically transitioning to new roles like entering a political party and kick-off a new start-up.