Public discussion: Densification and Displacement Compared: How and Why?

With students of the MAS ETH GTA and experts on April 15, 2023 from 2 to 4 pm at ZAZ Bellerive, Höschgasse 3, Zurich.

by Maja Bütikofer
Image: Maria-Theresa Lampe

The MAS ETH GTA imparts critical scholarly skills for the in-depth study of architecture and the city.

MAS ETH GTA students present key insights from their research with the history and contemporary aspects around redevelopment of housing in Beijing, Corbeil-Essonnes, Hamburg, Minneapolis, Porto and Turin as input for a discussion with experts and the audience. The event is a part of the exhibition Densification or Displacement? At external page ZAZ BELLERIVE Zentrum Architektur Zürich (through April 23, 2023).

The MAS programme of the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture (gta) at ETH Zurich addresses issues of Baukultur by engaging with the histories of architecture, urbanism and science. The programme enables students to articulate their own research questions and to pursue these with academic rigor. This two-year, part-time programme enriches students’ professional practice and expands it into the fields of research, teaching, and cultural production.  

Public discussion

"Verdichtung und Verdrängung: Wie und wozu?"

Date: Saturday, April 15 2023, 2 to 4 pm

Location: external page ZAZ BELLERIVE, Höschgasse 3, Zurich

Application window MAS ETH GTA

  • The next course begins in the fall semester of 2023.
  • Application deadline is April 30, 2023.
  • The programme is taught in German.

More information

Insight into the exhibition "Densification or Displacement? When new buildings replace"
Exhibition "Densification or Displacement? When new buildings replace" (Image: Maria-Theresa Lampe)
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