Five questions to: Ludmila Andreeva (graduate DAS ETH in Angewandter Statistik)

"Inspired by the best": we are taking a closer look at what we claim to be. What are the sources of inspiration in continuing education? Ludmila Andreeva, graduate of the DAS ETH in Angewandter Statistik, was inspired not only by ETH’s hands-on training and its experts, but also by the other programme participants.

DAS ETH in Angewandter Statistik
DAS ETH in Angewandter Statistik

School for Continuing Education: What is special about your projects and your work?

Ludmila Andreeva: My work links two of my favourite fields: the media and data. The goal of the media is to publish content that is relevant to society. Data provides the media with an important decision-making basis and makes it possible to analyse and improve processes. Analysing the fast-moving media landscape is challenging, but is very exciting for precisely this reason. One also keeps pace with the times.

What, or who, particularly inspired you at ETH Zurich?

Besides ETH’s hands-on training and its experts, the other programme participants inspired me. They came from a wide cross-section of industries, and through this I became even more aware of how important data is today and how widely it is applied. Our discussions were always exciting and enriching.

What does attending a continuing education programme at ETH Zurich mean to you?

In international rankings ETH Zurich is regularly rated as one of the leading universities in continental Europe and worldwide. That made me even happier when I discovered the continuing education programme I was looking for on the ETH homepage. After initial fears that the programme would be too theoretical for me, I was pleasantly surprised at how well theory and practice intertwine.

How can you apply what you have learned in the DAS programme in your work for 20 Minuten?

In the online media a huge amount of structured and unstructured data is floating about. What I learned at ETH gave me the knowledge and self-confidence to find my way in this data jungle. Now I have the instruments to analyse ever-changing patterns of use, understand causes and draw conclusions.

In your view, what trends are on the horizon in data-driven marketing?

Data analysis has become established in some individual marketing channels. However, attempts to unify data across several channels, such as TV, online sites, radio, print and social media, quickly run up against limits. The objective will thus be to link data from the various media and create a holistic "big picture".

Ludmila Andreeva
Ludmila Andreeva (picture: provided)

After completing Master’s degree studies in journalism and communication Ludmila Andreeva spent six years as a research manager at Goldbach, a digital media marketing firm which, like 20 Minuten, belongs to the TX Group. Equipped with a "Diploma of Advanced Studies in Angewandter Statistik" from ETH Zurich, she has worked for 20 Minuten as a data analyst since October 2021.

More information about the DAS ETH in Angewandter Statistik

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