Financial matters
Course fees
Short courses must pay for themselves (external page Fee Ordinance of the ETH Domain, Art. 6, Para 5 (in German)). We recommend orienting yourself according to the fees of comparable courses on our website. Also consider any discounts that will apply for students, Assistants and alumni.
Financial management
You will need a "PSP element". Please contact us early in the process so that we can request one for your short course.
Use of infrastructure incurs costs. ETH charges an overhead of 20 % for short courses. Scientific meetings and group discussion sessions are exempt.
Courses with non-ETH sponsors: Fees are charged for using ETH Zurich rooms (see the Regulations on use of rooms and the Fee Ordinance). Overhead charges are not necessary.
Remuneration of speakers and course leaders
The legal bases for issuing and remunerating teaching assignments are set out on the teaching assignments web page and in the ETH Zurich Regulations concerning Business Expenses of ETH Zurich. On the basis of the existing regulations and our own experience, we are able to provide recommendations on request for the fees for various categories of internal and external speakers.
We are happy to provide recommendations for various categories of speaker on request. The market situation and the total effective outlay must be considered in setting the level of remuneration. The highest sum payable per day is CHF 2500. If the course is offered multiple times or repeated, the rate can be adjusted.
Preparation time and any follow-up work are normally covered by the honorarium. Any additional face-to-face activities (discussions, exercises) are calculated at a reduced rate.
If the person involved is employed part-time by ETH Zurich their salary may be temporarily increased in compensation.
External speakers: If preparation or the course take place during working hours, remuneration may need to be discussed with the employer and paid to the latter.
Expenses in connection with a course are reimbursed (receipts must be supplied). Expenses may involve, for example, course materials, accommodation, meals and travel costs.
Value added tax (VAT)
Various VAT rates apply in Switzerland. If special services are to be provided which are not necessarily connected with the course, please contact Finance & controlling.
Tip: Have participants pay the cost of food, accommodation and transport (etc.) directly to the provider (hotel, restaurant, transport company).
Budgeting and accounting
We recommend our Excel forms for Download budgeting (XLS, 55 KB) and the Download accounting (XLS, 55 KB) for your short course. They contain the main budgeting points and take VAT into account. You will also need these forms to request a deficit guarantee or financial contribution.